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Zero waste Utopia

First zero waste Festival?

In organising Pangea in Love Festival, we are living our perception of peace, respect and togetherness. We want to set an example of what is possible when people share these beliefs of a better world, in harmony with all humans and nature. That is why we want to make specific efforts in becoming the first zero waste Festival in our country.


How we intend to do this:



Bring as little unnecessary

plastic packaging as possible


(Everything is provided on the festival.

Meals are at a very low cost and for the benefit of charity organisations.)


Wherever you go

or are that weekend,

try to leave no trace



car sharing



your own cup

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Recycling system available 

on the campsite and festival site


(Our charity associations will exclusively use porcelain plates that will be cleaned after eating in a central dishwashing system.)


Don’t leave your

cigarette butts on the floor


(There will be ashtrays on site and

you can always bring your own portable ashtray box with you.)


Open fires

are not permitted anywhere

on site or campsite


Try to take your

trash with you

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for contributing to
Pangea in Love

Copyright © Pangea in Love 2023


 Website created by

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