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How to arrive to Pangea?

Hi all Pangeans!


We have finally managed to sort out logistics for the festival. Even though it is not exactly what we had initially hoped for, we’ve come up with solutions that work fairly well with our ideas and concepts of nature and movement.


Here are the important points concerning Camping/Parking:


  • The main Car park is the field in front of the castle. This concerns all cars, meaning those who stay there for the day AND those camping in a tent. This field is Car park ONLY!

  • The Camp site is on the other side of the river, next to the soccer field and tennis court of SCHIEREN. This concerns tents and Camper Vans.

  • Campers sleeping in tents may drive to the Camp site and unload their cars, but they then must drive back to the main Car Park.

  • Walking distance from the Camp Site to the castle is about 30 minutes and starts on the cycling lane, over the footbridge in Welsdorf and continues on the main road (345) to the castle. We encourage all campers to bring their bicycles to ride back and forth to and from the camp site. More information on the Bike Concept will be on the website shortly.

  • The main road (345) from Welsdorf to Birtrange will be be closed for cars for the weekend, so you can walk/bike safely. This also means that the only access to the castle car park is via Ettelbruck, not via Colmar-Berg. The usual access to this road 345 is closed in Ettelbruck, so you can access it via Cité des Vergers or via Parking Deich. Google Maps will do the rest.



Happy Camping / Walking / Cycling everyone!

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